In the Ultra Hosting web hosting control panel you’ll see an easy–to–use website builder that you can utilize to construct a brand new, stunning site yourself. It’s actually easy to understand, even if you aren’t well versed in web development. The builder offers an array of design themes found in numerous color set–ups that you can modify up to your taste. Last but not least, your website will appear perfect on phones, tablets and desktops!

The website builder is offered with all Linux cloud web hosting, Linux VPS, Linux semi-dedicated hosting, and Linux dedicated hosting plans which come with the Ultra Hosting Control Panel.

An easy–to–navigate website builder

No programming background is needed

The purpose of our website builder is to make site building intuitive and to assist you craft a good–looking website without ever needing to pen even a single line of PHP, HTML or MySQL, or another programming languages.

You are able to do this using layout components which you can add to each site theme and then modify and reorder as you wish. Plus, you can cut out the ones you don’t need with a click. If you wish to make your site more engaging, you could instantly add videos and photos, or even a discussion portal to it.

Plus, it all works in a seamless manner.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

An array of easy–to–redesign templates

Stylish website templates that look impeccable across all devices

It won’t matter what kind of site you want to create, the Ultra Hosting’s website builder has something for you. It has a big set of free–of–cost templates that are working for any kind of sites – individual pages, online stores, discussion boards, to name a few.

To make your site even more modern–looking from the get go you can see the range of unique layouts and color combinations included along with each website theme. Plus, to top it all off, each template offers built–in support for well over a hundred fonts which you can change with just a click. And to top it all off, you will gain complete access to a huge set of pre–made images.

If you choose to change your theme at some moment, all tweaks you’ve implemented will be moved over to the new website theme as well.

An array of easy–to–redesign templates

Integrated help area and step–by–step video tutorials

Discover just how smooth it indeed is to launch a website

The Ultra Hosting’s website builder is equipped with a help desk which includes comprehensive step–by–step articles and videos triggered by the most frequently asked questions by customers.

You’ll be able to check out how to change your theme and create a brand new page. Plus, you can see exactly how you can select a different site template or perhaps add a shop cart onto your website.

Moreover, you could get in touch with us round–the–clock if you need immediate help with your website.

Video Tutorials